Thursday, August 23, 2012

5qf 8-24-2012

Is it reallythe last Friday before school starts? I am sooooo incredibly bummed! I really never thought I would be, but I am going to miss this time I have had with my girl. But so it is. So now I count down till May, and wait till she is home all over again.

So on to this weeks Five Question Friday! Jump on over to Mama M's and join in! 

1. If you could have been (could be) any profession you wanted (brains and $$$ no problem) what would it be?

Without a doubt, a surgeon. I wanted to be a surgeon since high school, but I knew that I wasn't smart enough. Let me rephrase that. I would have really struggled. I don't think in the medical school itself classes, but the basics. Biology, chemistry. Those would have kicked my butt.
Everytme someone close to me has a medical situation. Or a show like NY Med, it really makes me wish I would have at least tried. My husband tells me I should go back and do it anyway, but I would be like almost 50 enforce I could actually start practicing.

Oh well, I will just always tell my kids don't ever Not Try because you don't think you can. At least try.
2. How often do you clean out your car?

Well, I try to do it weekly. If not, it gets so bad and seems to get 100x worse as each day goes by!
Do you wish there was such a thing as fashion police or are you deeply relieved?

Honestly, not for myself, but oh my goodnight, for some people yes, there really should be!
4. What's your go to food/drink/activity when stressed?

Chocolate mousse and dr pepper. Or Crown if it's really bad,
5. If you had twins, what would you name them?

Boy/Girl: Austin and Audrey
And I have no other names left. Glad I'm. It having anymore children!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

5qf (Sunday) Aug 19, 2012

Ugh! I'm so far behind! I k ow its Sunday, but we have had such a great weekend, blogging just wasn't a priority. The weather has been AMAZING!!!! Highs in the 80s both days, so we spent all weekend outside just soaking it up. My girl and her friends played all day, had snow cones, danced to Carly Rae Jepson, and had a great (almost) end of summer time! One. Re week and it's school time :(. I didn't honk I would be one of those moms who would be sad when school started.  I thought I would be ready for school to start and all. But I'm not. I like the ease of summer (even though it is messing up my gym time!)

Anywho, let's get this started!

1. What's the one thing you buy every time you walk into the store?

Well, if it's th grocery store? Fruit, bread, milk. Every time. Even if we don't need it. Target? Usually clothes. For somebody. Me or my kids. My husband does his own shopping so I don't ever buy him stuff. 

2. If you had a day all to yourself how would you spend it?

. And mybe some shopping. But mainly just relaxing.
Sleeping, then lunch with friends, then probably a p. afternoon at the spa. Massage, facial, etc. 

3. Are you a speed limit driver? If not, over or under?

100% over!! I very rarely go the speed limit. The only exception is a school zone. I never, ever,ever speed in a school zone. Mostly I go under. 

4. What's your favorite dessert to make, homemade or from a mix??
I'm not really a dessert maker. I like them, but I am not very creative, so usually a box kinda girl is me. But I do love nestle toll house cookies, from scratch. But that's about it. 

5. Would you rather have a spider or a mouse scurry across your face (no copping out and saying "neither!!")?
Ugh! Well since I have never had that happen, I am goi g to go with mouse. They are faster, and usually will just run not bite.
A spider might bite you. At least in mt mind that's how it works. 

Ugh. Now that I am creeped out, I am going to sign off! Happy week y'all!